Share Your Wake!

Earn a 20% discount on your AquaHance Pod purchase by providing baseline imagery and information, a 20% rebate when you share the same after installation on your trim tabs, and/or hull.

Follow these simple steps to share!

Message: "Share Baseline Wake for Submission Link"

Film Wake to provide information helpful for comparison.

how to video wake

Best if filmed on calm day:

calm water wake

Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) or photograph tachometer while underway:


Hull Speed, or photograph GPS tracking, if available:

Engine Intake efficiency – Vaccuum – or image:

Additional Information to provide with your submission:

  1. Hull length
  2. Trim Tab dimensions (span width and cord)
  3. Photograph of vessel – side or 3/4 view
  4. Vessel Name and Port
  5. Hull design drawings, if available
  6. Your contact information

Wake Video Examples