Be Atmospheric

2% of the world’s two billion drivers reducing fuel consumption by 5% can make a significant contribution to our future sustainability. 5% is the average increase in mpg most drivers realize after installing AeroHance Pods. Contribute to greenhouse gas reductions and make a difference. Be Atmospheric.

Simple Action - Huge Effect

A Contribution Toward Sustainabiiity You Can Make Today

70% of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector are attributable to passenger vehicles. There is a trend, and in some countries a mandate, to produce more energy efficient vehicles, such as electric vehicles (EV). It will take another 30 years for these developments to absorb throughout the market. We are stuck with close to 2 billion existing vehicles, with their average consumption of 25 mpg for a long time.

By making our vehicles more aerodynamic we can reduce the impact our driving has on the environment starting today.

Programs exist offering incentives for governments and industry to reduce their fuel consumption. Most programs involve behavior modification: Drive slower, smoother, properly maintain vehicles, including monitoring tire pressure, and drive less! All good things to do, but wouldn’t you like to add something more? Something you can do today with this simple action.

Every gallon of gas or diesel saved prevents emission of around 20 lbs of CO2.
19 lbs of CO2 is produced for every gallon of gasoline consumed, and 22 lbs of CO2 by diesel.

Aerohance Pods offer existing drivers a quick fix, something anyone and everyone can simply add to their vehicle, which can provide quantifiable – if you track your mileage – results

Black pods on a yellow car AeroHance Pods on the Hatchback of a Hyundai Veloster

Fuel Savings Verified by Real World Drivers

Only 2% of the world’s drivers reduce their fuel consumption by 5%, it prevents 1.26 million metric tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere per year. That is more than any one program offered to or by governments or industry can do in reducing mankind’s carbon footprint. Join the movement to participate in reversing the effect our years of overconsumption have had on Earth. Be Atmospheric.

Circular economy contribution: Celebrate Sustainable Pods are speckled because they are made by global shoe sole manufactures using material vented during production. By making AeroHance Pods using this material it does not accumulate as waste, it does not make its way into landfills and to the ocean.

Reduce The Impact of Your Driving

Over the years, we’ve gathered hundreds of thousands of miles of driving logs documenting odometer to fuel fills from drivers of many makes, models and year of vehicles. Cars, trucks, buses, vans, all comparing mileage with and without AeroHance Pods installed. What we have found confirms improving vehicle aerodynamics saves fuel.

  AeroHance Pods installed on the top and side of a Jeep

Many things affect fuel consumption, mileage and driving range. Ambient temperature, rain or snow, maintenance schedule, tire pressure, traffic, for example. Does the driver accelerate quickly and stop late, Is truck left idling during deliveries, and other nuances of driving style. The only way to control these confounding variables is to gather mileage data from as many drivers, in as many vehicles, and driving conditions as are willing to share.

  • Best results are achieved by long distance commuters and road trippers who drive primarily at highway speeds. Some freeway drivers are seeing more than an extra 6 mpg.
  • Those driving at low speeds, with constant acceleration and slowing down, primarily driving in the city are seeing an extra ½ mpg on average.
  • Racks that run across the roof, perpendicular to the direction of travel, interfere with the flow of the air, and appear to limit the benefit of AeroHance Pods placed along the rear roof line.
  • Spoilers do just that, spoil the air flow or create drag. Beneficial counterbalance depends upon the design of the spoiler and car body type.
  • Pickup truck drivers: If your bed is open, the enhanced air drops into the bed. We’ve tallied excellent results from pickups with covered beds, or when AeroHance Pods are installed on the front of the cab roof, just behind the front windshield.
  • Best results are on otherwise aerodynamic, blunt back vehicles, such as the Prius, and other hatchbacks and SUV.