Celebrate Sustainable
9-Pod Kit

Make a difference! A kit of 9 Celebration Pods is all you need to save fuel and reduce the CO2 your driving produces. Celebration Pods are speckled because they are made using the colorful scrap, or waste material incidental to shoe sole manufacturing. Material otherwise destined for landfills and prevent it making its way to the Ocean.

Save Fuel, Save Money and Save the Environment.

We celebrate sustainability by taking individual action in collaboration with global shoe sole manufacturers. Celebration AeroHance Pods are speckled like confetti because they are produced using excess material vented during shoe sole production. Material that would otherwise pile up in landfills and prevent it from making its way into the oceans. AeroHance Pods are an exterior automotive accessory designed to increase the aerodynamic efficiency, reduce the drag of driving. That results in fuel savings, and a reduction of CO2 produced by driving. Most drivers better their fuel consumption by more than 5%. 2% of the world’s 2 billion drivers reduce fuel consumption by 5%, will substantially reduce the CO2 produced and contribute to our future sustainability. Through this simple action of installing a kit of Nine AeroHance Pods across the roof, trunk, or sides of our vehicles, collectively we can make a significant difference. We can #BeAtmospheric
Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 11 × 2 × 1.5 in

Multi-colored speckled like confetti in the colors of the shoe soles from which material was captured during production to prevent it from becoming waste



Permanent Peel & Stick 3-M Automotive Adhesive Tape
Can be removed with WD40 and elbow grease

Product Dimensions

2.5 x 1.25 x 1.25 inches

Product Weight

10 grams


Made in China